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Affecté | Type d'offre | Date limite | Sujet | Mail contact | |
Non | Post Doc | 01/02/2019 | Study of optically switchable molecules by Conducting-AFM in molecular spintronic | | Post doc IEMN.pdf (543 KB) |
Non | Post Doc | 01/05/2019 | Study of optically switchable molecules by Conducting-AFM in molecular spintronic | | Post doc IEMN_0.pdf (539 KB) |
Non | Post Doc | 31/03/2020 | Nanométrologie électrique | | Post doc nanométrologie électrique-vf.pdf (481 KB) |
oui | Post Doc | 31/01/2015 | Graphene functionalization. Study by C-AFM | | POST DOC OFFER - Solvay.pdf (53 KB) |
oui | Post Doc | 15/12/2015 | Dynamics switching of the nano-scale domain polarisation in ferroelectric thin films | | post doc position LabeX SEAM - LSPM(UP13).pdf (109 KB) |
Non | Post Doc | 30/06/2014 | Etude de l'adhésion d'une bactérie marine par AFM | | Post Doctoral position MAPIEM.pdf (202 KB) |
Non | Post Doc | 31/01/2023 | Evolving electronic transport in molecular switches / nanoparticles networks | | Post-doc EVOLMONET.pdf (127 KB) |
Non | Post Doc | 31/12/2014 | Etude à l’échelle individuelle de nanoparticules luminescentes d’oxydes dopés terres rares | | Post-doc FiPlant_fr.pdf (382 KB) |
Non | Post Doc | 30/11/2021 | Switchable molecular wires featuring quantum interferences for thermoelectric applications | | Post-doc HotElo.pdf (124 KB) |
Non | Post Doc | 04/04/2022 | Postdoc en Plasmonique Moléculaire | | Post-doc Palsmore-Light.pdf (111 KB) |
Non | Post Doc | 01/05/2019 | Electrical and thermal characterizations of thermoelectric polymers at the nanoscale by local probe microscopy for the development of autonomous sensors | | Post-doc position IEMN-CNRS Lille.pdf (540 KB) |
oui | Post Doc | Probing the optoelectronic properties of single conductive oligomers and graphen nano-ribbons with LT-STM | | Post-doc position.pdf (70 KB) | |
Non | Post Doc | 01/06/2018 | Polyoxométallates individualisés sur surface : vers le stockage de l'information sur molécule unique | | Post-doc position_0.pdf (589 KB) |
Non | Post Doc | 01/05/2019 | Electron transport at the nanoscale in Van der Waals heterostructures | | Post-doc VdW-OPBT.pdf (114 KB) |
Non | Post Doc | 22/01/2021 | Localized electronic states in semiconductor quantum structures and devices | | Post-doc X-LPMC_quantum disorder.pdf (670 KB) |
Non | Post Doc | 01/06/2019 | Etude des effets de localisation dans les dispositifs semi-conducteurs par microscopie d'électroluminescence tunnel | | Post-doc X-LPMC_scanning tunneling luminescence microscopy.pdf (318 KB) |
Non | Post Doc | 31/01/2023 | Probing nanomechanical behavior of individual molecular machines using atomic force spectroscopy | | Post-doc-position - Sorbonne-Univ - 2023.pdf (389 KB) |
Non | Post Doc | 20/04/2024 | Caractérisation avancée des substrats à base de lithium pour les piles à l'état solide à l'aide de techniques de caractérisation de surface | | Post-doc_CEA-GRENOBLE.pdf (421 KB) |
Non | Post Doc | 15/12/2013 | Caractérisation mécanique de la paroi cellulaire du bois de tension en cours de maturation par microscopie à force atomique | | Post-doc_meca_AFM.pdf (890 KB) |
Non | Post Doc | 31/12/2016 | Functional Imaging of Enzymatic Nanosystems Reconstituted on a Virus Nano-Scaffold using Atomic Force Microscopy coupled to Electrochemistry | | Post-doc_Offer_eVIRZYM_2017.pdf (585 KB) |